Category Archives: Uncategorized

The casual suicidal thought (and how to talk yourself out of it)

Hmm.. I thought I was the only one

My Name

I can really sympathize with this guy

This Is Not My World

y name, much like my visage, is easily forgotten. Not self deprecating. Objective. There’s something strikingly forgettable about me. In college I was known as the other guy. I could easily hide in a portrait. And oddly, though not an uncommon name, when affixed to me my name is often forgotten, mispronounced or changed altogether.

The most recent incident was while working with a film crew. Waiting for this writing gig to start paying the big bucks, I still pick up whatever work I can in whatever semblance of the industry I can find. So I found myself on a film working with the director. A pretty notable director flown in from LA that I would do well to impress.

Handshake at the top of the meeting. Introduced myself. Heard my name beaconed back to me. Good good. But later came a quicker slurring of my name. That’s…

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Nature and nurture and why it’s a stupid debate

Brings a new light on our society

A Feminist Challenging Transphobia

Let’s talk about love, just for a second, because it’s kind of complex and unknowable and I want to make a point about complicated things being turned into dumbed-down theories . . .

So, we know a few things about love. We know that it may be partially socially constructed (from Hollywood movies and songs, and suchlike) and partly biological (from hormones like oxytocin). We know that sometimes the concept of love is used in subtle ways to oppress women. I’m pretty certain, though, that if we saw it as only these things, we’d be accused of reducing something of value and importance. We might not really want other people’s definitions and theories imposed on our own experiences; love has a transcendent quality, that we “just feel” or “just know” in a way that can’t be reduced to biology or construction.

Can you see where I’m going with this? Yep…

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Present & Future Me.

Whoa, this is amazing

How to be a Teen Writer Without Making Me Want to Punch You in the Face

Man I love this post! Brings a lot to my attention and now I see that I have a few things to work on.

The Little Engine that Couldn't

[Disclaimer: I don’t actually want to punch anyone in the face. At the most I’ll give them a disappointed look and maybe make fun of their shoes.]

I strongly support teenage writers. Most of them are pretty cool, and with some you could just tell they’re going to become famous authors one day. Hell, some of them already are.

Still, when it comes to writing and literature, teenagers are constantly looked down upon. There are some people who immediately stop listening to what you’re saying once they find out your age. This actually happened to me once with another blogger. We were getting along just fine, having a nice conversation about Neil Gaiman, and then she found out I was fifteen and never answered back.

While I’ve never actually heard an adult say, “Oh, you’re just a teen. You can’t write,” or anything as obnoxiously condescending as that, I do…

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Weight loss, dieting, and exercise

The weight loss industry is a huge one. People spend hundreds of dollars (or euros, pesos, whatever) on dieting programs with little or no long lasting results. Why, you ask, does everyone keep doing this!? Well I’ll tell you why! It’s because our self image and the way everyone looks at us is oh so very important to us; and we all want an easy and fast way of doing things. Money is of no concern for the most part as long as the program of our choice promises quick and easy results.

Some of us even start to develop eating disorders to get the outcome we want… I know this from personal experience.

The general public (myself included) loses all common sense and reason when it comes to our precious bodies and the way the world around us perceives us.

5 Reasons Twenties Are For Thriving

Loved this post! Makes me excited to get onto my twenties!

Golden Hour Girl

I love being young! It’s that simple. Young at heart, young at mind, young in life. The world is an adventure, a playground that is made for us to explore! Before I start rambling off with excitement here are 5 reasons I am currently loving this decade I have just entered…

1. INSPIRATION: Everyday something new and exciting hits me. To travel, to create my own little city Pinterest-inspired apartment, to dream about future jobs, to meet new and exciting people, to escape into nature and live in the wild… Crazy ideas, crazy dreams, a crazy heart. Let’s face yet- when you’re in your 20’s life just keeps on getting better and better and you can’t help but be hit with INSPIRATION on a daily basis.

2. LOVE: This is the time your heart is open to so many possibilities. Passions take over and you find new found loves. You…

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